available for download
“Comparative Perspectives on the Abolition of Slavery in the Americas and Africa.” In General History of Africa X: Africa and Its Diasporas, edited by Vanicléia Silva Santos, 591–604. Paris: UNESCO International Committee for the New Volumes of the General History of Africa, 2023.
“Perspectivas comparativas da abolição da escravatura nas Américas e na África.” In História Geral da África X: África e suas diásporas, edited by Vanicléia Silva Santos, 591–604. Paris: Comitê Científico International para os Novos Volumes da História Geral da África da UNESCO, 2023.
“Wilson Tibério: Artista negro e ativista internacionalista.” Porto Arte: Revista de Artes Visuais 27, no. 47 (2023): 1–17.
“‘All World Art Comes from the Black’: Wilson Tibério, Black Artist and Internationalist Activist in the Era of Africa’s Decolonization.” RCL Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, Journal of Communication and Languages, no. 57, special number “Descolonizar a visualidade: Olhares, consciências, modos de pensar e agir” (2022): 171–187.
“Did Rodney Get It Wrong? Europe Underdeveloped Africa, But Enslaved People Were Not Always Purchased with Rubbish.” African Economic History Review 50, no. 2 (2022): 22–32.
“Het internationale debat over genoegdoening.” in De Slavernij in Oost en West : Het Amsterdam-onderzoek edited by Pepijn Brandon, Guno Jones, Nancy Jouwe and Matthias van Rossum, Amsterdam: Spectrum, 2020, 382-390; 447.
“Raising the Dead: Walls of Names as Mnemonic Devices to Commemorate Enslaved People.” Current Anthropology 61, no. 22 (2020): S328-S339.
“Ghosts of Slavery,” Afterword of “Urban Slavery in the Age of Abolition,” special number edited by Karwan Fatah-Black, International Review of Social History 65, no. S28 (2020): 225-236.
“AHR’s Conversation: Museums, History, and the Public in a Global Age,” The American Historical Review 124, no. 5 (2019): 1631-1672.
“The Death of Brazil’s National Museum,” The American Historical Review 124, no. 2 (2019): 569-580.
“Tourism and Heritage Sites of the Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery,” in David Dean, ed. A Companion to Public History. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2018, 277-288.
“Sites of Disembarkation and the Public Memory of the Atlantic Slave Trade.” In A Stain on Our Pasts: Slavery and Memory, edited by Abdoulaye Gueye and Johann Michel, 137-169. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2018.
“Ports esclavagistes et mémoire publique de la traite atlantique des esclaves au Brésil et aux États-Unis.” Revue du Philanthrope, no. 7 (2018): 43-59.
“Les fantômes de l’esclavage.” In Europa: notre histoire, volume 3, Mémoires-Monde edited by Thomas Serrier and Étienne François, 82-94. Paris: Les Arènes, 2017.
“El purgatorio negro: historias de dos mujeres esclavizadas que resistieron la esclavitud en el sur profundo de Brasil.” Millars. Espai i Historia XLII, no. 1 (2017) : 23-47.
“Culture visuelle et mémoire de l’esclavage: regards français sur les populations d’origine africaine dans le Brésil du dix-neuvième siècle” Brésil(s): Sciences Humaines et Sociales no 10 (2016): 1-27.
“Slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade in Brazil and Cuba from an Afro-Atlantic Perspective.” Almanack, no 12 (2016): 1-5.
“Memória pública comparada da emancipação e da abolição da escravidão: Abraham Lincoln e Princesa Isabel.” In Tornando-se Livre: Agentes Históricos e Lutas Sociais no Processo de Abolição, edited by Maria Helena Machado and Celso T. Castilho, 445-465. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.
“Black Purgatory: Enslaved Women’s Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.“ Slavery and Abolition 36, no. 4 (2015): 568-585.
Review of “The Diambourou: Slavery and Emancipation in Kayes, Mali.” Documentary film by Marie Rodet and Fanny Challier. Slavery and Abolition 36, no. 2 (2015): 406-408.
Review of “Twelve Years a Slave.” Film by Steve McQueen. Afro-Ásia, no. 50 (2014): 257-262. [in Portuguese]
“Gender, Sex, and Power: Images of Enslaved Women Bodies.“ In Sex, Power, and Slavery, edited by Elizabeth Elbourne and Gwyn Campbell, 469-499. Columbus: Ohio University Press, 2014.
“La correspondance du Roi Adandozan avec la couronne portugaise: petite histoire d’une grande amitié.” In Africains et Européens dans le monde atlantique XVe-XIXe siècle, edited by Guy Saupin, 129-151. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
“Pierre Verger, Negotiating Connections Between Brazil and the Bight of Benin.” Luso-Brazilian Review 50, no. 1, Brazilian Slavery and its Legacies, special issue edited by Ana Lucia Araujo (2013): 113-139.
“History and Heritage of Slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade in the South Atlantic.” Luso-Brazilian Review 50, no. 1, introduction to the special issue “Brazilian Slavery and its Legacies,” edited by Ana Lucia Araujo (2013): 1-6.
“Atlantic Approaches on Resistance Against Slavery in the Americas.” Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage 2, no. 1, introduction to the special issue edited by Ana Lucia Araujo (2013): 1-5.
“Transnational Memory of Slave Merchants: Making the Perpetrators Visible in the Public Space.” In Politics of Memory: Making Slavery Visible in the Public Space, edited by Ana Lucia Araujo, 15-34. New York: Routledge, 2012.
“Zumbi and the Voices of the Emergent Public Memory of Slavery and Resistance in Brazil.” Comparativ. Zeitschrift fur Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 22, no. 2 “Memories of Slavery,” special issue edited by Michael Zeuske and Ulrike Schmieder (2012): 95-111.
“Dahomey, Portugal, and Bahia: King Adandozan and the Atlantic Slave Trade.” Slavery and Abolition 3, no. 1 (2012): 1-19.
“Local y global: Brasil y la memoria pública de la esclavitud.” In Huellas y legados de la esclavitud en la esclavitud en las Américas: Proyecto UNESCO La Ruta del Esclavo, edited by Marisa Pineau, 121-134. Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2012.
“Public Memory of Slavery in Brazil.” In Slavery, Memory and Identity: National Representations and Global Legacies, edited by Douglas Hamilton, Kate Hodgson, and Joel Quirk, 115-130. London, UK: Pickering & Chatto, 2012.
“History, Memory and Imagination: Na Agontimé, a Dahomean Queen in Brazil.” In Beyond Tradition: African Women and their Cultural Spaces, edited by Toyin Falola and Sati U. Fwatshak, 45-68. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2011.
“Texte et image: représentations et stéréotypes culturels de l’Amérique du Sud dans la revue Le Tour du monde (1860-1914).” In Enjeux interculturels des mêedias: Altérités, transferts et violences, edited by Michèle Garneau, Hans-Jurrgen Lusebrink and Walter Moser, 291-312. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2011.
“Forgetting and Remembering the Atlantic Slave Trade: The Legacy of Brazilian Slave Merchant Francisco Felix de Souza.“ In Crossing Memories: Slavery and African Diaspora, edited by Ana Lucia Araujo, Mariana Pinho Candido and Paul Lovejoy, 79-103. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2011.
Book review of Brazil’s Living Museum: Race, Reform, and Tradition by Anadelia A. Romo. The Americas 67, no 4 (April 2011): 565-567.
“Patrimonialización de la esclavitud: La memoria de un bisnieto de esclavo.” Caminos: Revista Cubana de Pensamento Sociológico 58, “Memorias de la Esclavitud,” special issue edited by Silvina Testa (2011): 27-34.
“Welcome the Diaspora: Slavery Heritage Tourism and the Public Memory of the Atlantic Slave Trade.” Ethnologies 32 no. 2, “Tourism/Tourisme,” special issue edited by Mohamed Habib Saidi (2010): 145-178.
“Aquele que salva a mãe e o filho.” Tempo 15, no. 29, “Patrimônio e memória da escravidão atlântica: História e Política,” special issue edited by Hebe Maria Mattos (2010): 43-66.
“Slavery, Royalty and Racism: Representations of Africa in Brazilian Carnaval.” Ethnologies 31, no. 2, “Figures Noires/Black Diasporas,” special issue edited by Francine Saillant and Pedro Simonard (2010): 131-167.
“Enjeux politiques de la mémoire de l’esclavage dans l’Atlantique Sud: La reconstruction de la biographie de Francisco Félix de Souza.” Lusotopie XVI, no. 2 (2009): 107-131.
“Qui est Afro-Brésilien ? Ethnographie d’un débat d’identité au sein d’une communauté virtuelle.” (co-author with Francine Saillant). Ethnographiques.org 19 (December 2009)
“Caminhos atlânticos : memória e representações da escravidão nos monumentos e memoriais da Rota dos escravos.” Varia História 25, no. 41, “Imagens: Escravidão, Mestiçagens,” special issue edited by Eduardo França Paiva (2009): 129-148.
“The Slave Past in the Present.” In Living History: Encountering the Memory of the Heirs of Slavery, edited by Ana Lucia Araujo, 1-6. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
Book review of Routes of Remembrance: Refashioning the Slave Trade in Ghana, by Bayo Holsey. Canadian Journal of African Studies 43, no. 2 (2009): 416-419.
Book review of Orisà Devotion as World Religion: The Globalization of Yoruba Religious Culture, edited by Olupona, Jacob K. and Terry Rey. Itinerario, International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction 32: 2 (2008): 138-140.
Book review of Slavery and the Birth of an African City: Lagos, 1760-1900 by Kristin Mann. H-net Atlantic (2008).
“L’esclavage au Brésil: le travail du mouvement noir” (co-author with Francine Saillant). Ethnologie Française XXXVII, no. 3, Mémoires plurielles, mémoires en conflit,” special issue edited by Michèle Baussant (2007): 457-466.
“Passé colonial et modalités de mise en mémoire de l’esclavage, Passado colonial e modalidades da memória da escravidão” with Anna Seiderer, special issue of Conserveries mémorielles 2, no. 3 (2007)
“Political uses of memory of slavery in the Republic of Benin,” History in Focus: the guide to historical resources 12 (2007).
Book Review of La favela d’un siècle à l’autre by Licia Valladares. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 64, no. 1 (2007): 239-242.
“Zumbi: mort, mémoire et résistance” (co-author with Francine Saillant). Frontières 19, no. 1 (2006): 37-42.
Book review of Routes de l’esclavage: histoire d’un grand dérangementby Claude Fauque and Marie-Josée Thiel. Histoire Sociale/Social History 39, no. 78 (2006): 529-531.
“Encontros difíceis: o artista-herói e os índios corrompidos no relato de viagem Deux Années au Brésil (1862).” Luso-Brazilian Review 42, no. 2 (2005): 15-39.
“Les représentations de l’esclavage dans les gravures des relations Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil (1834) de Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) et Deux Années au Brésil (1862), de François-Auguste Biard (1799-1882).” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 59, no. 30 (2005): 161-183.
“France and Latin America” in Encyclopedia France and the Americas: Culture, Politics and History, edited by Bill Marshall, vol. 1, 27-35. Oxford and Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2005.